Taher ATEYA, Bekir BALCI, Oðuzhan Yavuz BAYRAKTAR, Gökhan KAPLAN


Since the issue of flooring is very extensive, it will be examined here only in a limited and only structural manner. The flooring forms a surface of the building in constant contact with people, where people touch, walk and use it in a variety of ways. Floors can have both sanitary, static, and chemical tasks. Each layer added on the coarse floor ceiling is considered flooring. Therefore, the flooring is rarely monolayer. It usually consists of 3-6 different material layers. The decisive important functions can be accomplished by the partnership of the topmost operating layer and a substrate. There is no ideal flooring. It is the job of the project designer to design the most suitable flooring structure for the function. In this report, it is aimed to investigate whether the flooring materials which interact with the primary human actions in the space may be suitable for the function; interior design and human-space interaction is important for the correct functioning of the fiction. It is thought that the obtained values can be a source for interior designers and can guide the properties of the materials. Firstly, the theoretical framework is examined and the importance of floor covering in relation to other components is emphasized. Then, the properties of the materials used in flooring were evaluated according to the function of the interior and user actions. The information in the source works is compiled and interpreted by comparing the characteristics of the floor covering with each other.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Floor, Coatýng Materýals, Covering, Epoxy, PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)